
Hey thanks so much – kids have had a great time past 3 weeks.

Kathryn had been frustrated at Easter and then this time didnt want to go bc she was embarrassed – but told her we don’t give up and everyone is here to learn and everyone gets frustrated, you have to learn to deal with that. And since the first day she’s been excited to go everyday.
Victoria I told you cant keep up with people who have been training all the time, eat a good meal, let it settle and then go and don’t give 110% the first week, if you feel exhausted sit down before you feel too faint. and after the 1st week she said she’s really felt much stronger and proud of herself.

Thank you thank you thank you! What you provide is so important and valuable.

M. Cove

👋Hello, everyone! I’m Daniela (29 years old). I started at this school training in physical conditioning about 4 years ago, then moved on to Kickboxing, some Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi, self-defense, and MMA. I initially decided to delve into this art for reasons related to health and physical well-being, but as time went on, I found myself falling more and more in love with this sport.

About 9 months ago, I made the decision to start Jiu-Jitsu Gi, and today I proudly hold a white belt 2 stripe. Jiu-Jitsu is a sport that instills a great deal of discipline and organization in life. It builds patience, as every stripe and belt requires a significant amount of effort and dedication. It helps manage anxiety, teaches you to overcome frustration, enhances social skills, and introduces you to wonderful people. It also contributes to physical fitness, providing a sense of security in self-defense situations.

However, the most important aspect is that it shapes you mentally. It’s a vital sport for life that encompasses all ages and types of people. More than a sport, it’s a lifestyle. I invite you to give yourselves the great opportunity to explore this sport, and remember something: the most challenging part is making the decision to start. @christiancarvalhobjjmma @sensei.andrezza @thedrillmma Thanks for you support!❤️‍🔥☝️💪🥋🖤🤍💙

I moved to FL just over a year ago from Cape Cod MA, before moving my kids had started doing BJJ at a local gym that had a great program for kids that made it fun and taught life lessons. They both really liked going and enjoyed the coaches who taught the classes. I year ago in August we moved to FL and when we did I wanted to make sure they didn’t get out of their routine of doing BJJ. After doing some quick homework on places in the area I chose a place I thought had a great reputation. Their kid program was a little different from what they were used to, and even though they claimed to teach the younger kids life lessons/situations along with BJJ, they never seemed to focus on that or make it a fun environment for them learn. After about 7 months both of my kids were not happy going. My son who needed the most help because he had delayed speech and didn’t say his first word until he was 4 was really being hurt. He’s also a very active kid who doesn’t focus right away when being taught.

Because my son JP didn’t understand their instructions sometimes or couldn’t focus right away, they would make him just sit down and not join the class as punishment. My daughter Avia who was becoming pretty good at BJJ stopped caring because it was no longer fun to attend, after a while they both kept asking me to quit. I asked them if I found a new place that was like the one they first started at in MA would they want to try that place and they said yes.

I had seen a sign for Sensei Christian’s school a few times and decided to look him up on line. After seeing the videos of how he runs his classes, especially his kids program I could see it was like the gym they first started doing BJJ at in MA. I went to watch his kids class live to truly get a feel for his approach, and I was more than impressed and knew I found the place my kids needed to be.

I few months ago I switched my kids from the other BJJ school in the area to Sensei Christians. The biggest difference I noticed right away was in how he worked with my son JP who was not used to being talked to in an encouraging way while doing BJJ if he couldn’t do a move right or focus during the class. His patients with him and direct conversations has made him grown in leaps and bounds over the past few months.

My daughter Avia was always fighting me about going to the other BJJ school, and was still saying she wanted to quit after starting at Sensei Christian’s school. After a few classes she started to realize he runs his program like the first BJJ school she started at in MA, and her attitude change. She’s having fun again while learning, and is getting back to how she used to be before we moved. The confidence both my kids have gotten back since joining is truly noticeable, and could not have happened if I didn’t find Sensei Christian’s school when I did.

I truly appreciate how Sensei Christian runs his kids program, he lets the kids know what he expects out of them during the classes at the same time making it fun for them to learn. The positive approach him and his coaches take while working with all the kids is great to see and they all respond to it. He ties in real life situations the kids might come up against when teaching, so they know why the move their learning is important, and can help them if their caught in a bad situation where they have to defend themselves. That type of teaching to me is what will resonate with the kids, and help them learn moves that could eventually save them one day from being hurt.

I want to thank Sensei Christian and his coaches for the great work they do, and for helping change the attitudes of my son and daughter back to wanting to learn BJJ/Kickboxing!!!


John Riley

Sir Sensei Christian,

I wanted to share with you how very much I am impressed with your training school and your coaches. I have seen many different schools from different arts in my lifetime and I can honestly say that your school and coaches are exceptional . Alex is very happy and pleased to attend his Jui Jitsu classes.
On a personal note , I am in the process of recovering from a right shoulder injury and if all goes well I too will begin classes with you in January .
In conclusion , we are very happy to be a part of the team .
God Bless

Benny and Alex Matos

Our son has been attending Christian Carvalho BJJ for 2 1/2 years now and he loves it! Sensei and the coaches really care about the kids, even at the teen level. They are learning BJJ / MMA skills with Sensei Christian.

Claudine Graham

Sensei is great he always teaches teaches us about respect and discipline

Nathaniel mills

My kids enjoy going to the gym. It’s part of our daily routine, and I can’t begin to explain how much of a positive impact sensei and the coaches have made in my kids lives, and for that alone we are for indebted to them simply for their presence just being there. Supportive and encouraging. My kids now have self confidence, disiplne, respect and learn new techniques. It’s truly a privilege being a part of this gym, as I myself have joined. Martial arts has become a part of our lifestyle now. Thankyou for being so good to our family.

Louis Galindo

My lil princess goes to Sensei Christian mix martial arts school, and she loves it. She been going 2 yrs now and it changed her so much, physically and mentally. Mentally now she think if someone was to attack me, that she can beat them up because she knows martial arts LOL!!! She’s only 7, I’ll give her a couple more yrs. But I’m very happy where she’s headed, and I’m blessed we found Sensei Christian.

Trevor De Freitas

Always wanted our daughter to learn self defense; however, never imagined she would learn self control, discipline, improve strength and coordination. She loves it. The sensei and coaches make of the classes a fun experience basef on the age level. Glad to be part of this family.

Angelica Vasquez

My son has been coming here for a year and a half. He truly enjoy both the Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing. It has made a big difference in his confidence and discipline. Sensei Christian is a very good teacher and has a great way with the kids. Looking forward to watching my son’s progress in the years to come.

Tommy Bartoszewicz

I love going here i love the way the masters tech and i love all the masters and the owner.👌👌

Nelson lopez

My son started training at Christian Carvalho BJJ about 4.5 years ago, he has trained at least 3 times per week since he started and still loves the training, the environment and has made him a very respectful, responsible middle schooler. Even after an entire day at school and after school activities he wants to be at the Gym at least 4 times per week.
Thank you Sensei and Coaches!
Vasquez Family

Elizabeth Vasquez

I highly recommend Christian Carvalho to anybody who is interested in martial arts training. My 6 year old son has been training with Sensei Christian for two years and he loves it. Sensei instills discipline and confidence. The growth and development my son has gained during the past two years is incredible. The staff is professional, the training facility is clean and the members are great.

Tara Castillo

My son Julian has been training with Sensei Christian for almost 5 years. This is by the far the best gym out there. Sensei and his staff treat all the kids like family. I’m so grateful and blessed to be a part of an amazing BJJ/MMA family! Thank you Sensei for all you and your staff do for our kids. God bless you all always!

Erica Cepeda

This is the BEST place that we have found in this area (and we tried a few). Sensei is amazing with the kids, he knows how to have fun, provides great training with discipline and respect, and is playful with the kids. I will not take my boys anywhere else! Love this gym!

Jen Q

My great-grandson Mason started kickboxing and jiujitsu in October of this year. I am impressed with Sensei Christian and the manner which he works with his students. He stresses character and respect as well as techniques. Mason has gained confidence and feels proud of himself for passing the KICKBOXING test with no errors. He has moved up to the gray belt.
I am happy to say that along with Sensei there are very good coaches.
Thank you all,
Betsy Robison
I would highly recommend the classes to anyone.
As Sensei says at the end of class, “God bless you.”

Betsy Robison

I have two boys training with Sensei Christian. One started about 1.5 years ago and the other a little over a year ago. Until that point, my older one was only interested in other sports, but after watching his brother’s class, he wanted to join as well. They had both tried Jiu Jitsu in the past but did not enjoy it. They were not engaged the entire time and did not feel like anyone truly cared about their progress. Sensei Christian’s class is the complete opposite!!! The kids are constantly engaged and he keeps their attention. Every child feels special and knows that he cares about them and how they are doing. He makes sure they are focused, but understands that they are still kids as well and i think that’s why they love him so much. The other instructors in their class are just as great. My boys enjoy training with each of them and show all of them great respect. I feel it is a privilege to have them training there and I’m very thankful for all of the effort that they put into my kids. Thank you!

Jessica Unger

We have been very pleased with the great training our boys have received for the past 7 years. Sensei always makes it a priority to put the kids first. There’s no doubt that he loves what he does. His coaches have been working for him as long as we’ve been coming which says a lot! Not only is the gym clean (which is very important) but it smells good too 🙂

The Peña Family

My son J has learned so much in only a few months. He loves the flexibility to be able to go to bjj or kickboxing whenever(so do I). Sensei and the coaches are outstanding teachers and examples. The coaches make sure they spend time with every student giving insight. The whole staff have gone out of their way to make us feel comfortable and like part of the community. Sensei is ever present to give any issue you have his full attention. Very pleased and very grateful to everyone there, the front desk, the coaches and Sensei.

Chris C

I have so much to say that one paragraph will not capture how grateful I am for the positive impact on my family in direct result form training with Sensei Christian, and all of the coaches!!!

Quick story –
Both of my children train here, as do I, but journey began 2 years ago because I was looking for a solution to help my 9 year old son deal with severe anxiety, traditional therapies weren’t working-
After 1 year of training my son entered the 5th grade as a patrol officer, and upon graduating elementary school he was one of the top students-
Middle school is here I can’t put into words the growth my son has had -but I can say that this the only therapy that worked was training here ?

Rob Blitstein

Robert Blitstein

My son (7) and I have been training for a little over 6 months with Sensei Christian and his coaches. We have both learned an immense amount from practicing with him. I was worried my son was small, quiet and worried about his confidence. Christian and his coaches have brought out a side in him I have not seen, confidence, discipline and bravery. He loves going and asks me everyday if he can go. I have also trained there and being a woman in the MMA field can be intimidating but I’m always treated with respect and equality. The individual attention and respect cannot be beaten. This is a family, and not a factory belt system. We are very happy here and highly recommend this to everyone!

Katie and Cruz

My son has been in tae kwon do for 2 and a half years now he was 2 belts away from black when we moved to florida from NJ the tae kwon do school wanted to restart my son who has worked very hard to get where he was. At that point my husband and I decided that if he was going to start at 0 it will be at something he did not know. My 2 sons and husband has been in this class now going on 3 weeks, the difference in my children with the disipline is unbelievable, they learn every time more and more on how to defend themselves which is so important, my husband is happier more in shape and not so bored since his class is 2 hours 3 times per week. This was the best decision we have made since being in Florida for the past month and a half. I would recommend to anyone who asks its a wonderful place!

kayla abbati

A good friend of mine has trained MMA all over the world and recommend that I put my son in jujitsu. I went to several different gyms and had him try out a free class to see where he felt most comfortable.

Christian Carvalho was the ONLY place that offered a full week trial for free. Sensei Christian said he offered a full week for free, because that was the only way to truly see if the kids would be interested in the sport. One day would not be enough. That made total sense!!!

They worked in a team of 3 adults and about 12 kids ages 4-7, I believe. Older kids are separated in different classes.

You can tell that the kids really enjoy their time there. And you can see the respect that they have for their coaches. The coaches work with each kid individually and really make them feel special. I am so in love with this gym!!! My son does jujitsu Mon & Fri. On Wednesday they switch it up and do kick boxing. He absolutely loves it. It’s worth every penny. He comes home after lessons and is so excited to show Daddy what he learned. What a great way to boost your kid’s self esteem and confidence.

Vivi Tran

The best part of my week. You can walk IN defeated, then walk OUT a champion. Love the kickboxing class. Great conditioning for your mind and body. Sensei and his team are the best. Hands down. Positive, supportive and professional. I wish, in every moment in my life, I could feel as good as when I complete his classes. I schedule my life around making it to train!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful I came across this school. Best medicine ever.

Cara C


I can not find the words to express the positive affect your teachings has had on my son, and eventually my family.
You taught him how to be NAGA champ on several occasions, and taught him the importance of self worth and being humble. After a layoff, he is back on track to complete what he started. I am very proud to speak of Sensi Christian in every aspect. He is an honorable, trust worthy asset to my son and would not change schools for any reason. His team of instructors are well experience, and add shine to the gym.
We will never forget what Sensi has done for our son, and our son will never forget what he as learned. Our son is a better young man because of Sensi, and Sensi is a man our son will never forget.

Frank Esparza

Let’s see…I’ve been training with this guy for almost 8 years, I’ll one day (real soon) receive my black belt from him . Since day one he has been in my corner in pretty much all my fights but one (business trip) ..in other words since day one this guy has been passing on his knowledge of the sport I love , dedicated his time , entrusted me with his business, students, family …helped changed my life for the better and still does till this day …Its a privilege and honor to be a student under him and to call him my sensei (master)

Rashawn Kershaw

I Have 4 kids who go to sensei Christians Gym. They absolutely love it..I would definitely recommend joining the gym. Sensei Christian and the coaches are wonderful with the kids they make it very fun to learn.
The gym is very family oriented. It’s nice as well that the kids get to make new friends. Sensei and the coaches have a lot of patience with training the kids and that is what we were looking for when deciding to put our kid’s into afterschool activities. They have learned so much and like to train at home what they have learned. My kids have gained a lot of confidence and are learning self discipline aswell. We really appreciate sensei and the coaches for everything they do

Keeyle Pimienta

I had been attempting to find a sport my boys would enjoy. We tried a few sports, but they were drawn to Jiu Jitsu. A friend recommended Christian Carvalho, so we took them up on their one week free trial. Not only are the boys enjoying, but I as well signed up. Sensei and his coaches are great with the kids and VERY patient. They have a heart to teach and it shows. In just a few weeks my boys, 6 & 8, had acquired impressive techniques. They hate to miss a class, so my wife and I do our best to clear our calendar for their lessons.

It’s been a great training regimen for myself. Sensei and his coaches push you to reach your best. Most of the time I look forward to going, just to blow off steam from the stress of the day. I highly recommend Christian Carvalho’s School. They’re a class act and they’re key on educating you in the art of Jiu Jitsu and MMA.

Juan Restrepo

A friend recommended we try Sensei Christian Carvalho’s Jujitsu so we went to check it out. Our boys couldn’t wait to get started. They absolutely love it and refuse to miss one day of training. The coaches are great with the kids and really help them focus, teach them respect, manners and real life defense skills. I would recommend this gym for sure. Thanks Sensei!
Sharon R.

Sharon Restrepo

I moved to FL just over a year ago from Cape Cod MA, before moving my kids had started doing BJJ at a local gym that had a great program for kids that made it fun and taught life lessons. They both really liked going and enjoyed the coaches who taught the classes. I year ago in August we moved to FL and when we did I wanted to make sure they didn’t get out of their routine of doing BJJ. After doing some quick homework on places in the area I chose a place I thought had a great reputation. Their kid program was a little different from what they were used to, and even though they claimed to teach the younger kids life lessons/situations along with BJJ, they never seemed to focus on that or make it a fun environment for them learn. After about 7 months both of my kids were not happy going. My son who needed the most help because he had delayed speech and didn’t say his first word until he was 4 was really being hurt. He’s also a very active kid who doesn’t focus right away when being taught.

Because my son JP didn’t understand their instructions sometimes or couldn’t focus right away, they would make him just sit down and not join the class as punishment. My daughter Avia who was becoming pretty good at BJJ stopped caring because it was no longer fun to attend, after a while they both kept asking me to quit. I asked them if I found a new place that was like the one they first started at in MA would they want to try that place and they said yes.

I had seen a sign for Sensei Christian’s school a few times and decided to look him up on line. After seeing the videos of how he runs his classes, especially his kids program I could see it was like the gym they first started doing BJJ at in MA. I went to watch his kids class live to truly get a feel for his approach, and I was more than impressed and knew I found the place my kids needed to be.

I few months ago I switched my kids from the other BJJ school in the area to Sensei Christians. The biggest difference I noticed right away was in how he worked with my son JP who was not used to being talked to in an encouraging way while doing BJJ if he couldn’t do a move right or focus during the class. His patients with him and direct conversations has made him grown in leaps and bounds over the past few months.

My daughter Avia was always fighting me about going to the other BJJ school, and was still saying she wanted to quit after starting at Sensei Christian’s school. After a few classes she started to realize he runs his program like the first BJJ school she started at in MA, and her attitude change. She’s having fun again while learning, and is getting back to how she used to be before we moved. The confidence both my kids have gotten back since joining is truly noticeable, and could not have happened if I didn’t find Sensei Christian’s school when I did.

I truly appreciate how Sensei Christian runs his kids program, he lets the kids know what he expects out of them during the classes at the same time making it fun for them to learn. The positive approach him and his coaches take while working with all the kids is great to see and they all respond to it. He ties in real life situations the kids might come up against when teaching, so they know why the move their learning is important, and can help them if their caught in a bad situation where they have to defend themselves. That type of teaching to me is what will resonate with the kids, and help them learn moves that could eventually save them one day from being hurt.

I want to thank Sensei Christian and his coaches for the great work they do, and for helping change the attitudes of my son and daughter back to wanting to learn BJJ/Kickboxing!!!


John Riley

John Riley

I’ve been a student in Sensei Christian’s classes for almost 2 years now and I’ve had fun meeting new friends and learning new techniques to protect myself inside and outside of school, so if you’re struggling with bullies, you should definitely join our gym.

Daniel Fernandez

I am a student of Sensei Christian.This is a great class with nice coaches please join us if you want to learn how to defend and have fun at the same time.

Rachel Fernandez

My child has been taking classes with Sensei Christian for a few years, and tremendously enjoys the fun activities the gym offers. The students learn how to build confidence, determination, and self defense skills. Belt promotions are an especially exciting time for the students.
Thank you Sensei Christian!

Proud Parent

I started taking classes several weeks ago and love it – the instruction is amazing. Sensei creates a family environment for all his students which takes out any intimidation that some schools may have. Although I am a beginner at the age of 48, I feel that I will continue training for years to come – for both self defense and keeping in top shape! Your never too old to learn jiu jitsu!! If you are interested in learning – do what I did and come see Sensei Christian – he will make you feel great about yourself!

John Boiardi

I really appreciate your class and all the guys there it is so much fun learning. Your a great Sensei . very excited about learning jujitsu.

Paul Parisi

Great place to train and and learn real fighting techniques. This beats going to a gym any day! Great place for parents to take their child or teen to learn self defense and teach them how to defend themselves against bullies. Thank you for giving back your knowledge of MMA.

Angel Garcia

Thank you Sensei and coaches for teaching and developing our sons strength, values and respect to this sport for his everyday life. Victor has now been training for a year and he really enjoys it! …We look forward to seeing him develop into a strong and confident young man.

Elisabeth Vasquez

Just a quick note to say how happy the boys and I are that we joined your gym! The difference between what we found with your teaching and what we experienced before is just night and day! I love that all the kids are participating at all times and that their sparring sessions are allowed to continue to their logical conclusion. I am so happy to see you coaching them while they spar for real-time advice and encouragement! This is the best school and teaching I have ever seen! God bless you and thank you so much for everything!!

Richard Anderson And Shawn & Spencer Anderson


First I want to say thank you for providing me with great classes at your academy. Your instruction is amazing and I look forward to every class.

Today I saw something in my son that I have never seen before. He came home from the kick boxing class, still sweaty, and decided on his own to run around our block 5 times. My son barely likes running and physical activity has not been his strong point so far in life.

You may not think much of it but this martial art will change my life and my son’s life for the best.

I’m excited to reach my full potential under your teaching ( and one day earn my black belt) and I’m even more excited for my son’s potential.

Again thank you for everything you do and the lives you’re changing.


Kyle Cheerangie

My son has been enrolld in this class…..thank you sensei chritian carvalho..

Gerry alpiza

My son has been there for almost a year and his confidence has gotten better, Sensei is so good with the kids.. I would recommend to anyone, the atmosphere in the gym is one of family and everyone is treated with respect ..

Martha V

My two sons have been going here for a few months and already you can tell the difference in their attitude at school.the way sensei makes his kids and treat them like family is amazing. the way sensei can have a good time with the children but yet still make them listen and understand is truly an amazing talent on its own. I can already see my children doing push ups sit ups (on their own out of class) and excited to go to class at night. the way he takes his time in making sure your child does the moves correctly is one of his better qualities. he’s a great instructor, a great sensei, a great person there is no reason why you would not want your kid here.

Bryan Hansen

I been training with Sensei Christian Carvalho for a few years now. I have to say joining the gym was the best decision I have made. I have learned so much there from sensei and all my team mates that are there to help along the way of my growth in the art of bjj and mma. I become physically stronger and more confident in myself. Sensei Christian Carvalho is such a great coach he pushes me to do better every day. He points out my flaws and shows me the details I need to work on. He is also I great friend I can trust. I know that I can speak to him about anything and he will have great advice. I look up to him. He is defiantly my roll modal. He is going to help me achieve my ultimate goal. I look forward continuing training with Sensei Christian Carvalho for years to come. THANK YOU ! !


My daughters Aurora aka Pitbull has been training since October 2011 and Izabella (she has yet to earn a nickname) has been training since July 2014. Through the years Sensei Christian has proven himself time and time again to be kind and loving to all the kids on his team. He treats everyone like family. My girls think very highly of him and respect him greatly. I am there everyday to watch them train BJJ and Kickboxing, this is where they get their daily exercise, but the best part is watching them participate in the tournaments. This is where they get to demonstrate everything they have learned. Christian has taught them self defense in case of a real life situation. As their mom it brings me relief to know that they will be able to protect themselves. I would definitely recommend Christian Carvalho BJJ MMA!!!!!

Raquel G

Three years ago, my son started taking jiu-jitsu classes under Sensei Christian Carvalho. My wife and I noticed an increase in self esteem in his first week of classes. He memorizes what he learns in class. His memorization skills increased and he began getting better grades in school. Christian has a remarkable way of communicating with children. One well directed “sh” captures their attention and quiets the room. Children are eager to do well and are rewarded with his praise. My son has learned pride and the importance of giving respect. Christian reminds his students; if they fight in school they will be suspended from the gym. He teaches personal defense and looks poorly upon personal offense. These classes are truly an investment.

Mark Wyckoff

My daughter Claire has been coming here for a couple of months. Sensei Christian and his coaches make the workouts so much fun that she doesn’t even realize she is exercising like she is in kiddie crossfit. The kids have a fun but disciplined time every day. I wasn’t sure how she would respond to wrestling with other kids, but she loves it! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend these classes to anyone who has kids.

Aimee Trier

Our boys have been training with Sensei Christian and his coaches for a little over 2 months and we can already see an improvement in them. Overall, it has been a great expierence. From the instrucions to the cleanliness of the gym! Sensei and his coaches work well with every child there. Highly recommend!!!

The Peña Family

My daughter has been training with Sensei and the assisting coaches for almost a couple of months. I wasn’t sure if she would enjoy it but she loves it and seems pretty dedicated to going every weekday. They make it lots of fun so I don’t think the kids even realize they are enrolled in kiddie-cross fit!!! I am happy my daughter is having fun, being healthy (physically and emotionally) -and making friends and building confidence!!! It has been an overall great experience!!

Aimee T.

My daughter Lara 5 yrs old and son Patricio 7 yrs old, are very happy in Sensai Cristian class.
We could have not asked for a better place and team to learn.
We look forward to continue attending for years to come.
God bless Sensai Cristian and all his team.

Patricio y Lara Rodriguez

my son Gerry, he is very,very happy 🙂 we are very pleasedwith our child Learning. Christian show respect , and appreciation for their student,.I like The discipline.the place is in perfect condition,everything is veryclean, Thank you Christian carvalho:)

gerardo alpizar

I have known and been friends with Christian for approximately six years after meeting him in his Martial Arts dojo located in Greenacres, Florida. Christian has been a tremendous asset in my personal life by helping me maintain the training and conditioning needed to live a healthy life. His knowledge, background and teaching in martial arts has also been very instrumental in preparing me to be mentally and physically strong in my law enforcement profession as a street patrol officer.
Christian has been a positive role model to numerous of kids and adults he has trained. He has displayed a high level of patience, understanding and commitment with his students and friends at work and in his personal life. To my knowledge, Christian has been an excellent provider to his family, a positive role model, an asset to his community and a law abiding citizen.


I started training with Sensei Christian 5 years ago. Sensei Christian is compassionate in what he does. I have learned so much knowledge and BJJ skills. I have competed in numerous BJJ tournaments over the past 5 years and have been extremely successfully because of Sensei Christian training. The class size is not too large like big gyms, so you get more of a “one on one” type of instruction with Sensei christian. Thank you Sensei Christian.

Randy N

I love Sensei Carvalho’s school. It has so many variations of exercises and self defense forms. For example kickboxing, Jiu-jitsu, MMA, and UFC style fighting. I am very happy to learn these with my favorite Sensei,Christian Carvalho


I have been training with Sensei Christian for a while and have learned so much in the time I have spent there. I can say from experience that it is truly a great place to train. Sensei Christian knows how to fine tune your martial arts skills. The class really pushes your pace and gives you an awesome work out. Aside from building my strength and focus, I have made a lot of great friends at the gym, and I know these friendships will last a lifetime.

Alex M.

I’ve been training with Christian for only 5 months and I’ve seen incredible results. I encourage everyone to come check this gym out and you will be impressed with how professional the gym is from technics to uniform and even cleanliness. From a young woman’s point of view I’m also impressed with the respect all the guys give me has well has the way they all help me to get better and stronger everyday. God bless this gym and all the people involved in it! 🙂

Much love .. ANNIE.

Annie friman (Annie)

Since I was younger martial arts has always been apart of my life. I started training with Sensei Christian when I was 17 years old , with a dream of becoming a pro mixed martial arts fighter. He has helped me changed my life in many ways and step by step achieve my goals. Now 23 years old, I am one of his assistant instructors close to receiving a black belt in the up coming years and a amateur mixed martial arts fighter. Thanks Sensei for all the help you have giving me over the year.

Rashawn K.

My daughter Faith has been training MMA & BJJ with Christian for about 3 years now. Christian is also a good friend and is always tryin to help others the best he can. He does such a great job with teaching his students to be masterful technicians with the sport as well as being a respectful role model to others. My daughter Faith has gained great knowledge as well as discipline these past 3 years. I would highly recommend Christian Carvalho BJJ MMA!!! *****

Rick R.

Both my kids Jacob and Ana have been attending Christian Carvalho BJJ-MMA for a couple years now and I can honestly say that it has been a great experience for both of them. They have both become physically stronger and more confident in themselves. I also have that piece of mind in knowing that they can defend themselves. The friendships the kids form after all the training together is also another benefit of attending. My kids love this school and we look forward to continue attending for years to come.

Alex R.

My brother Ryan has trained with Sensei Christian since he was 4 yrs old. He now has his 1st degree black belt in kickboxing!! Sensei Christian is the best teacher!! He is awesome!!!


I started training with sensei Christian Carvalho over 9 months ago with a goal to get more phisically fit. At the age 53, I’m in the best shape of my life. I have made a lot of friends and lost about 15 pounds. I am looking forward to my second fight in October. Thanks Christian!

John M

Sensei Christian is a great teacher. Excellent classes everytime. He makes it really fun, challenging..
He is stern yet friendly during classes. We highly recommend him.

Anthony & Mom

My daughter Angie started training with sensei Christian for nearly a year now, I remember when she started she didn’t wanted to do martial arts but now she like it, she likes learning new techniques, exercises and playing games.
Sensei Christian is the best he cares about his students as he would care about his own kids; he helps a lot with the children discipline, courage, respect and self-esteem.
I couldn’t askb for more.

karla R.

I’m having fun while training and learning about martial arts.Sensei and the coaches have taught me respect,patience,
discipline and confidence.


My 3 year old son, Ozzy, has been training with sensei Christian caravalho for 3 months and he absolutely loves going to “school” everyday. It’s great exercise and excellent for his balance and coordination. Sensei is amazing with the kids and the discipline and learning experience is invaluable. We are so happy with his classes and most importantly he is having fun and learning valuable skills.
– anne

Anne Tierney

I have been training with Sensei Christian for about 3 years now and I have enjoyed going. I have learned self confidence, discipline and I have become stronger. I am a purple belt and I plan to keep training until I reach black belt. Sensei treats me like family and teaches me new things every day. Thank you Sensei.

Logan H.

I love this school.After quitting my old school, ju jitsu wasn’t in my heart anymore.Now it is restored and I am proud to be with Sensei Carvalho as my teacher

Matthew S

I started training with Sensei Christian Carvalho over 6 months ago. Being a wrestler, I loved it from the first day of practice. Physically, I’ve gained 10 pounds of muscle, doubled my stamina, improved flexibility, and learned many self-defense and Jiu Jitsu techniques. I anticipate going to the gym everyday just because of all that I learn and experience on the mats. Jiu jitsu has taught me that our bodies have no boundaries and that our minds are as strong as we believe they are. It’s a honor to be a student of Sensei Christian and a honor to have such great teammates, I see us as family now. I will continue in this gym until I’m a black-belt. OSS

Kevin Granados

I started training Mixed Martial Arts at age 18, I’ve attended a couple gyms around the west palm beach area to find a right fit but no gym compares to Christian Carvalho MMA & BJJ. When I first started training I hated Brazilian Jiu jitsu, but after training with Sensei Carvalho I began to love it and actually enjoy it. Sensei Christian breaks down every aspect of Brazilian jiu Jitsu for you step by step. I am current an amateur MMA fighter and Sensei Christian has improved my ground game dramatically. I am now confident to grapple with anyone in the cage. He teaches kickboxing, muay thai, self defense, and cross-fit as well. If you are looking to learn great jiu jitsu, become a fighter, get in shape, or just learn self defense this is the perfect place.

Ralph D.

its a really good program i have enjoyed my progress.. been able to protect myself in any situation


Our daughter Julia has started training with Sensei Carvalho for about 8 months ago and she likes being at the dojo and learning new exercises, from kick boxing, jiu jitsu or other martial arts style, play games and have fun. This is a dojo where she can learn self defense and as well gain self control ,courage, along with many benefits what Martial Arts can offer. And here Sensei Christian is teaching the same. With the good assistance of Alex and Rashawn he can give every child/student attention they deserve.

In these days there are many places where instructors are teaching Martial Arts, to find a dojo where the trainer is carrying about his students as he would care about his own children is not always easy to find, a sensei which is happy and willing to teach his students everything he knows without retention and insist and repeat the techniques over and over multiple times, until the students comprehend every aspect and become familiar with them.

Sensei Carvalho has an extensive experience in coaching any level of students from children to adults and competition, he combines the tradition with sport, building and keeping the martial arts spirit alive.
He is experienced teaching children discipline, confidence, respect, courage, focus, endurance, self esteem and many other positive aspects in martial arts and life.

Daniel and Monica C.
Oss !

Daniel Chirila

My son, Steven has been training with his sensei Christian for about three years now. He started training when he was about 5 and a half. He is now 8 years old and I am impressed with how much he has learned. He is always excited when its time to go and train, and he always talks about how much fun he has and how much he learns. I am glad I found the perfect place for him to train. Not only does he learn with a great sensei and great people but also builds up his self esteem and makes great friends, who are all more like family.

Maria M.

My son A.J. Is doing both Jiu – jit su & Kick boxing. We’re so proud that he has found a place that he enjoys learning the sport. The sensei as well as the staff are very knowledgeable and work with the students to improve the techniques and self motivation. Great family and friends atmosphere.

Albert Monzon

I have been going to this gym for nearly four years now. The workouts, drills, sparring, etc. has helped me be in good shape. I now have good cardio and I am now physically and mentally stronger than I was before joking the gym. Christian Carvahlo is a great instructor. Building one’s knowledge of the arts step by step and perfecting all the little details.

Kiana Albright

My son has ADD and has Aspergers an autism spectrum disorder. Sensi Christian has been AWESOME with helping him learn the moves and techniques. If there’s something he has trouble doing Christian takes the time to actually help him. This is great because it helps him build up his confidence. I couldn’t ask for more.

Carmen M

Recently I became a parent again with the raising of my grandson Joel. One of my first priorities was to get him enrolled in activities to help curb the pull from outside influences of a negative nature, in doing so I decided to try MMA. Being recommended by a friend I sought out Sensei Christian and his school of BJJ. From the time I walked into his establishment my grandson and me were treated with respect. Sensei Christian began explaining his philosophy for his students which sold me on his ideology. My grandson has been enrolled in his class for about one month and is still enthusiastic about participating in every class which is a major step for a twelve year old. Joel has gained new friends and a beginners understanding of the term discipline and what it takes to be a winner, for that I commend Sensei Christian and his school.

Craig C.